Smidge®, your small-batch nutritional supplement company

Our mission

At Smidge®, we empower optimal health by crafting small-batch supplements with care and the cleanest formulas. We comb the world for the most nutrient-rich, fresh ingredients. We’re committed to using real food. And we will never use synthetic vitamins, as we believe vitamins from food are precious and powerful, and Mother Nature is the best source. Our products are natural, free of additives and common allergens — and provide critical nutrients based on what our ancestors consumed to thrive and what our customers told us they needed. As a transparent, founder-owned and managed company, we aim to change millions of lives by providing pure supplements that restore the body's balance... and support its remarkable healing abilities.*

Our Story

At Smidge®, we wake up each day to meet our customers exactly where they are on their wellness journeys: we listen and provide education, supportive customer service and clean, small-batch supplements that honor their needs. 💛

Our global supplement pantry

Robust gut health and a real food diet are key to vibrant health. So, we provide pure supplements to support the body’s remarkable healing abilities, with essential nutrients that are difficult to get from even the best real foods.*

We comb the world for the most nutrient-rich, fresh ingredients.

Our line includes custom probiotics, digestive enzymes, naturally derived minerals and 100% real food vitamins.

Trust, transparency and no fortification

We will never fortify with synthetic vitamins — because vitamins from food are precious and powerful, and Mother Nature is the best source.

Why? High doses of synthetic vitamins can cause nutrient imbalances that create even more issues.

And you don't need mega doses when it’s the real thing from real food and natural sources.

As a founder-owned and managed company, we’re equally passionate about transparency into our process, ingredients and testing. So you know exactly what you’re putting into your body and can understand our honest labels and simple ingredients.

Three friends, one heart

The DNA of Smidge® is our cornerstone Sensitive Probiotic, custom-made to fulfill our customers’ unique needs. Parents of children on the spectrum asked us to create a specific formula for delicate systems because the products on the market had irritating strains that caused myriad side effects.* This compelled us to put tremendous energy into creating a product that maximizes effectiveness while eliminating concerns.

As pioneers of the real food movement, we healed our own serious health conditions with a real food diet and the powerful addition of minerals and fat-soluble vitamins that our ancestors consumed. We used this personal ethos for healing with our deep understanding of traditional diets to create our unparalleled supplement line.

We also leverage other experts, including PhDs, practitioners and biologists, to help us vet and test our products.

Smidge Supplements in a heart-shaped bowl

Our product quality

Here’s our criteria for creating Smidge® supplements:

  • Non-GMO or natural ingredients
  • Free of additives and
    common allergens
  • Provide critical
    nutrients that are
    difficult to get from
  • Only real food vitamins
    — with no fillers, synthetics or
  • Crafted in small
    batches with minimal ingredients
    for the utmost freshness
    and bioavailability
  • Backed by tested ingredients and compassionate principles
Woman holding her child

Small batches, big results

With real food, healthy digestion, and supplements that bridge the gap between modern nutrition and what our miraculous bodies really need to thrive, we’re confident you’ll find big results from our small batches.

Thank you for choosing Smidge®. It’s our goal to help provide nourishment, care and vibrant health to you and your families. 😊

Meet the founders

Headshot of Smidge® co-founder Daniel Corrigan
After healing my own digestive health condition that nearly took my life, my dear friend was inspired and successfully integrated a real food diet to completely recover her son from an autism diagnosis.* This in turn inspired me to start my own digestive supplement company and share the knowledge I gained from going to hell and back. After spending tens of thousands of dollars on treatments and mega doses of synthetic supplements that either had no effect or made things worse, I realized I had to take charge of my own health — and that food combined with pure supplements is the most powerful path to healing.
Daniel Corrigan
Co-Owner, CEO
Headshot of Smidge® co-founder Archie Welch
I became involved with nutrition 20 years ago when my youngest daughter was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. Rather than just give her insulin for the rest of her life, I started to investigate nutritional therapies.* What I came across was a dizzying array of nutritional information and misinformation. After many years of research and going down many rabbit holes with the latest and greatest nutritional fads, I realized sticking to the basics was the most effective. Today I look at health and nutrition in simplistic terms — make sure the digestive tract is working properly, stay away from highly processed foods and toxins, and then access nutrient-dense, whole foods. Putting your body in a position to thrive doesn’t have to be complicated. It does, however, take dedication and baby steps. My partners and I developed Smidge® to help people get their digestive tract in balance while providing real food supplements that are high in essential vitamins and minerals.
Archie Welch
Co-Owner, Research and Development
Headshot of Smidge® co-founder Karen Myers
As a Lyme survivor and a mother of a daughter born with Lyme, I understand the pain and isolation of illness. I also know that the body wants to heal if you let it — with real food first punctuated by pure supplements.* This means sourcing the highest quality local, organic foods whenever possible and the most nutritious, well-produced supplements globally (avoiding those that are synthetic and toxic). I have learned time and time again that digestion is everything. Without it, we can't get the nutrients we need, because nutrition is at the root of all healing. And the foundations of health begin with proper digestion and healthy elimination, along with getting nutrients from real food. I’m proud to say that my daughter and I have healed. And I’m honored to share what I've learned through my nutrition education and my own personal journey back to health. It’s my goal to support and grow with you as our customer according to your bio individual needs.
Karen Myers
Co-Owner, Nutritional Therapy Practitioner
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Customer Stories

Great product with results to prove it

Have been using [Smidge® Sensitive Probiotic powder] for about 6 years now. As a result I no longer experience any of the numerous food sensitivities (indigestion) that have plagued me for so long. As an added bonus, it keeps the seasonal colds at bay (for me and the entire family).*

This (along with improved diet) has changed my life. I cannot recommend it enough!

Dmitriy M.

April 5, 2020


My sis in law recommended trying this probiotic when my perioral dermatitis came back (gluten intolerance). I was excited when I read that it's made for those of us with histamine issues, and I decided to order a bottle. I've been taking it now for four weeks, and it's been a game changer for me. I am 38 and I've been dealing with cystic breakouts for the past few years. I've tried everything, but had given up hope. I haven't had a breakout since taking [Smidge® Sensitive Probiotic], and my digestion and overall mood has drastically improved. And I've been eating things that I'd had to eliminate due to my skin and my digestion. I am now a lifelong fan of this product!


September 26, 2019

Wonderful Probiotic!

I… can tolerate very few things. Foods, supplements, meds, everything makes me sick. Probiotics have been off limits to me due to most being high histamine. Until now. I tolerate these just fine and they actually help degrade histamine.* I have started with half a capsule, out of caution from prior experience with other brands. So far it’s going great! Thank you [Smidge®]!

Christin S

May 16, 2020

… fairy dust!

This product does everything it says it will do. Other probiotics had caused my infant discomfort, but this one didn’t at all. We increased her dose gradually as suggested and in just a couple of weeks, her tummy troubles are gone.* I’m a believer and have now ordered... for myself!

Farrar Frazee

March 7, 2020


[Smidge® DIgestive Enzymes] is the first and only product I’ve ever used that provides immediate, effective, and lasting relief when I experience [mild] digestive upset.* I cannot recommend it more highly! Once you’ve added this to your medicine cabinet you’ll never go anywhere without it again!

I don’t use it regularly, only when I have a stomach ache or other digestive troubles. It is AMAZING for this. I have also shared it with family members when suffering from digestive upset who also experience the same immediate relief. Whether you’re reacting poorly to a food because of an intolerance... it will [ease] the symptoms in their tracks.* It has worked for me and those I’ve shared it with 100% of the time.

Robin Tonkin

October 14, 2018

Very good results! Works!

Worked very good for my GI!

My heartburn is gone!*

Thank you!

Ignor Mankin

August 14, 2020

Customer Reviews Slider Controls
  • Key nutrients

    With Smidge® supplements, health-conscious folks can get the key nutrients they need in the best possible, minimalistic form. These nutrients support robust health and are difficult to get from even the healthiest real food diets. 

  • Transparency

    Trust, transparency and your comfort level are of the utmost importance to us. So you’ll have a front-row seat to our test results, production process and clean, real-food ingredients.

  • Small-batch

    By definition, small-batch supplements are carefully crafted. We pay attention to every little detail in the formulation, production and delivery of our products. Compared to the big manufacturers, it’s a painstaking process. 

  • Sustainability

    We employ and support sustainable practices in all facets of our operation, including suppliers, environmental protection, lean manufacturing and minimal packaging. Every little bit counts toward minimizing our carbon footprint.

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